
Today is Canada Day. Instead of our traditional red & white flag, I open this issue with a reminder of the confusing times we're going through as a country. That's what this banner is all about.
We start off with a post about what makes a customer valuable to your business and moves on from there. Have you thought about journaling, or is this something you do now? There's info you might find helpful in the Mindset section below.
What Makes a Customer Valuable to Your Business?
What is it, specifically, that makes customers valuable to you? And how can you boost that value?

15 Effective and Creative Ways to Market to Local Customers
“What’s one effective and creative way small businesses can market to their local communities and bring in new customers?” This is a great question with multiple answers. Here's a few ideas to get you started.
Why your email domain must have a working website behind it
So let’s assume you have made the decision to use a professional email domain. That could be as simple as your website...

Why PayPal Raised Its Processing Fees -- and Why It Could Backfire
PayPal just announced that it will raise its processing fees for U.S. merchants. Starting on Aug. 2, the rate for each online PayPal or Venmo transaction will rise to 3.49% plus $0.49 -- compared to its current rate of 2.9% plus $0.30 for most online transactions. What does this mean for your business?
What's the Tech
10 Product Reviews and Suggestions to Help You Choose the Best Small Business Tools
A small business is only as effective as the tools and systems they have in place. There are tons of software programs, social platforms, and other tools businesses can use to enhance operations. So it may help to learn about these options before signing up for every new option that gets released. Members of the online small business community share insights on those they’ve tried here.

10 Secrets to Success on Instagram for Small Business Users
Instagram is one of the most powerful online marketing tools available to today’s businesses. But there are many tasks for business owners to consider to make the most of the platform. You need to grow a following, foster community, and eventually convert your usage into profit. Learn how to accomplish these goals with some help from members of the online small business community.
Mindset and Growth
Can Keeping a Journal Really Improve Your Business Life?
Podcast Interview with Case Kenny Case created this daily journal to explore mindfulness and awareness for 10 minutes a day. He says that taking time to examine your thoughts will improve your overall wellbeing. Check out this post and give a listen to an enlightening podcast episode.
Before you go
So, that's the end of this issue of YESWORD!
Is there something you'd like to see here? Drop me a line to let me how we can make it work better for you!
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I hope this Canada day will be a heartwarming day with family and friends. For all our American readers, here's to a safe and happy 4th of July for you and your family and until next time, here's to a productive week!