Hello again! I'm startting this issue with a post from one of my favourite bloggers - Seth Godin. As always, his posts are short and to the point, while leaving you with points to ponder. I think it works well as a focusing tool!
Once you get that under your belt, the remaining posts and links help you take a glance at certain points in your business. I hope you find a few valuable nuggets in the sections below. With that, let's get started!
Busy (and reliable) | Seth's Blog
I love Seth's Blog! There are always nuggets of sound insight and this post is no different. Thinking about what being busy actually means will have an impact on your business. Read on here

What’s Your Unique Selling Point?
Also referred to as Unique Selling Proposition, or Unique Selling Point, the term (by definition) is what sets a brand’s products or services apart from its competitors. It is often conveyed in a simple phrase or concise message, such as a tagline, and aimed to reach a brand’s target audience on an emotional level, consequently driving sales.

Three Steps To Amplify Your Voice And Attract Your Ideal Clients
Growing a successful business takes a lot of time and hard work, especially in today's market. If you've noticed that your business is having difficulty reaching and enticing consumers, you might need to reexamine your plan and vision.
What's the Tech
Use Google Tasks to help you organize your Gmail inbox
And there was: Google Tasks. Although this tool has been around since 2008, it’s easy to overlook. It doesn’t even appear when you click on the Google apps icon (a three-by-three grid) at the top of your Gmail inbox in a browser. Despite this lack of fanfare, Tasks has quickly become an indispensable tool as I manage PopSci’s DIY section.

How To Convert Anonymous Website Visitors Into Leads
Did you know that up to 98% of your website traffic is unidentified? This includes first-time users, as well as returning visitors that still don’t form part of your CRM. So how is it possible that only around 2% of users share their contact information with brands?
Mindset and Growth

9 Things You Need to Stop Doing to Start Living a Happier and Self-Kinder Life
Living a life where you're happier and kinder towards yourself is not just about what you can do.
Before you go
So, that's the end of this issue of YESWORD!
Is there something you'd like to see here? Drop me a line to let me how we can make it work better for you!
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Until next time, here's to a productive week!