
Well, this has been a tough week around here with a couple of unforeseen medical issues as well as a self-inflicted incident that will be keeping me off my feet for another 4 days. I decided to try to see it in a good light by slowing down and spending quality time on my back deck, surrounded by a lovely blooming garden.

As I'm sure you've experienced, now I'm more on the mend I find myself wanting to get back to the creation zone. That brings me to the first article in this newsletter. I spent some time thinking and reworking my Value Proposition. When was the last time you took a look at yours? Anyway, I hope you enjoy this weeks' shortened issue. Here's hoping that by next week things should be back to normal, so in the meantime I'll have another cool glass of water and enjoy the sun. Cheers!

Barb Jemmott


Failure is simply the opportunity to begin again, this time more intelligently....A business absolutely devoted to service will have only one worry about profits. They will be embarrasingly large.

Henry Ford, founder, Ford Motor Company


On the Blog

What's the Tech

Before you go

So, that's the end of this issue of YESWORD!

Is there something you'd like to see here? Drop me a line to let me how we can make it work better for you!

Do you know someone who will also benefit from this newsletter? Please tell them about it or share this link with them. They'll get to view the current issue before they choose to sign up.

Until next time, here's to a productive week!

Barb Jemmott