Well, here we are at the start of June - a new month and a great reminder that the year is half over. It's been a challenging year so far for just about everyone I get to meet or interact with, but what I notice right now it the level of optimism that seems to be spreading - perhaps now that we're getting more sunlight and vitamin D.
Last week I asked a few members of a group I belong to what they were looking forward to and the answer was to start implementing the things they've learned over the last few months. I find that so encouraging. What would your answer to that question be?
How to drive customers through your marketing funnel using content
Of course, the client doesn’t think of themselves as within a funnel. Instead, their journey in their mind is more likely to go as follows:
- I want to treat myself – how should I spend my money?
- I’ve decided what type of product I am looking for, but which brand to choose?
- Is this brand’s product really right for me?
- Can I afford it? Is it a socially acceptable purchase? What will it do for my status?
- Where should I buy it, and am I getting the best possible price for my product?
- Do I still love it, and would I buy it/something else from the brand again?
This post explains your content’s place in the user journey (and what you can do to make the most of it).

How To Ask Customers For Reviews
Right after the transaction is complete is an ideal time to ask for a review. If necessary, prompt your customer to express positive feelings.
• Did you find what you were looking for today? • Is this your first time using this product or service? • How was your experience?
Several other suggestions in this list will help streamline your review collection process!
![How to Manage Negative Social Media Comments [Infographic]](https://dxj7eshgz03ln.cloudfront.net/production/link/image/662063/twenty_by_nine_extra_large_/uploads/tmp/1622688981-3282-4978/negativeSocialMediaComments.png)
How to Manage Negative Social Media Comments [Infographic]
When you see a negative comment, your first reaction may be to respond in-kind, and dish out some of your own harsh responses to put the commenter in his or her place. This approach generally doesn't work out so well. The post has an infographic that is very helpful as a reference.
Stripe Payment Links: Create a link. Sell anywhere in under 5 minutes.
What's Stripe's new focus? It's helping you to Create a link. Sell anywhere.
Use Payment Links to sell online without a website. Create a full payment page in just a few clicks and share the link with your customers—no code required.
Check out this YouTube video that explains all you need to know about this new approach to using Stripe's payment gateway using only links. Click here
What's the Tech
LinkedIn Adds New 'Boost' Option for Organic Posts, New Event Promotion and Management Tools
LinkedIn is looking to make it easier for brands to maximize the reach of their posts, with a new, Facebook-like 'Boost' option. The feature seeks to turn organic Page updates into paid ads, while also adding new tools to help maximize virtual events, and track their performance in the app.

How to Turn on Windows 10 Ransomware Protection
Ransomware is a type of malware (it's also known as ransom malware) that prevents a user from being able to access their computer system or personal files until a ransom payment is made, most often by cryptocurrency or credit card, in order to unblock the locked system and regain access. According to SafeAtLast, ransomware attacks will occur every 11 seconds in 2021 and businesses and individuals will pay an average ransom of $233,217, with global costs exceeding $20 billion.
Mindset and Growth

This 20-Minute Exercise Will Clear Your Mental Clutter
When troubled times demand you think clearly about the best course for your business and your family, you can't afford to be distracted by a swarm of half-formed anxieties. How do you get rid of them? If you have 20 minutes and a pen, philosopher Alain de Botton has a suggestion to clear your mind.
Before you go
So, that's the end of this issue of YESWORD!
Is there something you'd like to see here? Drop me a line to let me how we can make it work better for you!
Do you know someone who will also benefit from this newsletter? Please tell them about it or share this link with them. They'll get to view the current issue before they choose to sign up.
Until next time, here's to a productive week!