This week I came across this interesting post on procrastination...I think it was a sign for me personally because I've been facing some self imposed resistence after ending up in Facebook Jail a couple of weeks ago (a story for another issue, I think, lol). Anyway, I shared the post below! You'll also find a link to the 5 Ways to publicize masterclass, and finishing up with a very effective challenge. - definitely worth your time. So, let's move past this quick summary and get this issue started!

5 Easy ways to get publicity for your business
This masterclass is all about getting the message out about your business. There are good reasons to go the “do-it-yourself” route with publicity, partculary because you know your business better than anyone else and you can identify the unique value you offer. Let's look at 5 ways you can get publicity for YOUR business.
14 Podcasts That Have Impacted How These Entrepreneurs Run Their Businesses
With the rich educational value podcasts often provide their listeners, it’s no surprise that the business community turns to this popular form of content to improve their skills and strategies. Some entrepreneurs even make major business decisions based on the information they’ve learned and the stories they’ve listened to on podcasts. There's a lot of help and information out there. Do you listen to podcasts to help you with your business?

Facebook Analytics is Going Away: Should Marketers Really Worry?
Each day, our analytics platforms help us define who our audience is, measure how well we’re tracking them, and determine what strategies we should take on next.
How to make meaningful progress and stop procrastinating
We’re at that point in the year when bright-eyed intentions start to go a little sideways. Let's consider some of the things we've let fall away since the beginning of the year....
On the Blog

15 DIY ways to get publicity
Want to get some free publicity for your business? You don’t have to pay a PR firm thousands to do it for you. Today, you can do it all yourself and maintain control over your message. Here are 15 ways you can do your own publicity.
Mindset and Growth
The trap of busy | Seth's Blog
Everyone who wants to be busy is busy. But not everyone is productive. Busy is simply a series of choices about how to spend the next minute. Productive requires skill, persistence and good judgmen…
Take the challenge
1,000 True Fans? Try 100
This week, your challenge is to read this article and consider how you might focus on 100 true fans.
Passion economy enthusiast Li Jin breaks down what it takes to earn $1,000/year from each of your 100 true fans.
Before you go
So, that's the end of this issue of YESWORD!
Is there something you'd like to see here? Drop me a line to let me how we can make it work better for you!
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Until next time, here's to a productive week!